7 Ways to Improve Your Sleep
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7 Ways to Improve Your Sleep

Nutrition & Sleep

Key to good health is getting adequate rest. This requires more than just laying down and closing your eyes. In addition to a well-balanced diet, paying close attention to our sleep patterns can tell us about our health. We don't want to just sleep, rather we want to get good sleep. Some of the consequences of inadequate sleep quality can include; unexplained weight gain, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), constant fatigue, high blood pressure, and nodding off. But we want more than just adequate sleep, we want to feel rejuvenated upon waking. First, to change how we think about sleep, we must prepare for sleep well before it is time to sleep. For instance one should begin to wind down after sunset. So here are some more tips to help you get the most out of your sleep.

"وجعلنا نومكم سباتا "

And we have made your sleep as a thing for rest

1. Turn off electronics at sunset. The energy from the various electronics in the modern home can disturb our natural circadian rhythm (sleep/wake cycle) by delaying the release of melatonin (the body's natural sleep hormone).

2. Eat light if you eat after sunset. Eating after sunset means that your body is still in the process of digesting your meal when it is time to sleep. Ideally you will have finished eating a few hours before sleeping to allow for proper digestion to begin and to prevent unnecessary weight gain.

"وجعلنا النهار معاشا"

And We have made the day for livelihood

3. Wake early, sleep early. Traditionally people woke up before sunrise and started their days, having most of their work completed before noon. They also slept not long after sunset. This allowed them to manage temperature fluctuations and make the most out of the daylight hours. You will find your sleep to be of higher quality if you follow this natural rhythm as closely as possible.

4. Read a non-electronic book before bed. As we have already eliminated the electronics, you may be wondering what to do before bed. The answer is reading a non-electronic book either alone or as a family. This activity relaxes the body so it can transition into a peaceful sleep.

5. Drink a cup of Chamomile tea or herbal infusion. Try it without sugar by putting a small amount of honey. This is especially helpful if you are traveling and not sleeping in familiar surroundings.

6. Both vitamins A & D play a huge role in sleep regulation. Being fat soluble vitamins, they are stored in the body until needed. Because of this it's possible to reach toxic levels. However it is extremely rare to reach toxicity through consumption of natural sources. Most often toxicity is caused through artificial supplementation (vitamin pills, fortified foods, etc.)

7. Spend a half-hour to an hour outside every morning. Not only will this allow your body access to one of life's great necessities; the sun, but also you can use the time to get some exercise. Exercise helps with regulating sleep and health in general.

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